Creating a brighter future
for vulnerable Cambodian children
through education.
“Cambodia gripped my heart in 2007 and has not let go”
~ Denise Arnold | Founder & Director
This video was created as a tribute to Denise by her daughter Emily Arnold
After reading about young children being rented out for sex by the week, I was compelled to act. Crushing poverty and the threat of human trafficking are everyday realities for vulnerable children.
But there is hope.
Education interrupts injustice, protects children and sets them up for a bright future. With your help, we are making it possible for vulnerable children to get the education they deserve.
~ Denise Arnold | Founder & Director of Cambodia Charitable Trust

The CAMBODIA CHARITABLE TRUST is creating a brighter future for over 10,000 children.

CCT transforms lives through education.
Our goal is access to quality education for all. We work on a number of levels to achieve this.
Let us show you.

Develop the next generation of teachers, support a school, sponsor a child or make a donation.

We are a key development partner with the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport. We are developing the next generation of teachers.

Education is the greatest hope for combating poverty and slavery in rural Cambodia, especially for girls.
All of our volunteers donate their own travel and accommodation costs when working in Cambodia or in New Zealand and donate their time and expertise. Neither Denise Arnold, nor any of the Trustees or volunteers draw a salary from CCT or take money from the charity for their expenses. They all believe passionately in what CCT is doing.
Where CCT does have administration costs, these are covered by donations, by the volunteers or by Lyon O’Neale Arnold, lawyers in Tauranga, of which CCT founder Denise Arnold is a Director. What costs CCT cannot avoid (bank fees and Xero costs) are covered by specific donations by individuals.
Every dollar donated goes to a specified purpose if the donor has one or the projects in Cambodia where it is carefully spent to get the maximum impact. Where possible supplies are purchased in Cambodia to support the local economy and to make our New Zealand dollars go further.

Trafficking is a tragic problem in Cambodia. Only the most desperate of parents would sell their child. Often they are deceived by empty promises of a better life for their child as a domestic worker. The reality is far worse. I am moved and motivated to help provide an education for girls to protect them from these harsh realities. I see education as the only real way out of poverty.
Theresa Gattung | Patron of the Cambodia Charitable Trust