The 23 CCT supported schools are a beacon of light in their poor, Cambodian villages. When you transform a school, you transform the lives of hundreds of children and their families.
A supported school is a centre of new life in the community – it represents the parent’s hopes and dreams for their children and the only realistic stepping stone out of poverty. Many parents have had limited education and have been totally disempowered from any form of engagement in their children’s education in the past. Because many parents are illiterate they do not feel they can have any say in education – we try to overcome that through ongoing community meetings and consultation.
We encourage their ongoing involvement with the school, we consult with parents about what they want for their children and we convince them that their child’s education is a good investment; better than keeping the children at home to work in the fields. The parents and wider community are an important part of the school ecosystem, as much as the school is central to the community.
We have three schools which currently need support. For between $600 and $1300 a month, you can transform an entire school and change a community. Or you can share in the cost of supporting a school for $100 a month.
Neareay Secondary School
Costs $671.66 a month to fully support, or $8,060.00 as an annual payment.
Nikrotheaream Primary School
Costs $766.66 per month to fully support, or $9,200.00 as an annual payment.
Ang Seyma Primary School
Costs $1273.75 per month to sully support, or $15,285.00 as an annual payment.
We welcome any contributions or cost sharing arrangements. Perhaps you could help with $100 a month towards supporting one of these schools?
Your sponsorship provides the funds for us to put our SCHOOL TRANSFORMATION PLAN into action with a new school. We prioritise and work through the following:
- Improving the classroom environment.
- Establishing a school library.
- Building a school playground.
- Planting a vegetable garden.
- Establishing a preschool classes.
- Providing teaching resources and stationary.
- Providing uniforms for children and teachers.
- Supporting teacher development through monthly workshops.
- Annual prizes for the five top performing students in every class.
- A free remedial class for the lowest performing 30% students.
- Providing ‘Days for Girls’ to provide feminine hygiene resources and education
“Transforming schools is right at the heart of our work as a trust. Your sponsorship makes possible a radical turnaround in the education, health and wellbeing of hundreds of children. I cannot express enough how impactful this is. Thank you.”
~ Denise Arnold | CCT Founder

You may want to help a school, but maybe the support of a whole school is not affordable right now? Don’t go away! We know other people like you.
For $100 a month, you can be part of a group transforming a school and changing a community. If you would like to be part of a group supporting a school please let us know. Alternatively, you might be able to form a group. Could you, your friends, your book club, your church or your company partner with us to transform the lives of hundreds of children?
We welcome any sponsorship arrangements; monthly, annual, whole school or shared support.
All of our volunteers meet their own travel and accommodation costs when working in Cambodia or in New Zealand and donate their time and expertise. Neither Denise Arnold, nor any of the Trustees or volunteers draw a salary from CCT or claim any of their expenses. They all believe passionately in what CCT is doing to put their own money and time in freely.
Where CCT does have administration costs, these are covered by the volunteers or by Lyon O’Neale Arnold, lawyers in Tauranga, of which CCT founder Denise Arnold is a Director. What costs CCT cannot avoid (bank fees and Xero costs) are covered by specific donations by individuals or the law firm.
Every dollar donated goes to the projects in Cambodia where it is carefully spent to get the maximum impact. Where possible supplies are purchased in Cambodia to support the local economy and to make our New Zealand dollars go further.