The Current Situation
We have seen India and Taiwan recently collapse under the weight of Covid where they had previously managed the virus quite well. Unfortunately, Cambodia is following this same path.
There are (at the time of writing) more than 40,157 confirmed cases and 368 dead in Cambodia. Our concern is that this figure is unlikely to be accurate. There are also a large number of people with underlying health issues as a result of malnourishment and poverty. They are not in any condition to fight this virus off so any further spread will be catastrophic.
The schools and teacher training colleges have been closed down again. The virus is everywhere. Our CCT staff are very concerned.
Cambodia does not have a good health system and, even if it did, the families we work with cannot afford to access good medical care. The cost of a funeral will destroy them economically. Beyond that, we have many children being cared for by frail grandmothers. It is terrifying to think what might happen to those children if those grandmothers were to succumb. We are talking to our team about how to keep these children safe.
CCT has been considering how it can help right now, and what preparations need to be made for the almost certain crisis evolving.
There are two main categories:

With families unable to work, they will not be able to buy food.
Last year we provided more than 1400, 50kg bags of rice.
We would like to have a fund available to provide rice in a couple of months when current rice stocks in many homes are expected to run out.
A 50kg bag of rice costs $60 and will feed a hungry family for 1-2 months.

The schools are being asked again to provide homework to children.
However, many schools do not have paper or other materials. They also don’t have a printer to enable homework sheets to be produced. The type of printer required for a school is beyond the simple ones we use at home and are relatively expensive at $2800. They will be a critical piece of equipment for any school lucky enough to be given one.
Can you help with stationery or a printer? Any donations will make a huge difference in Cambodia, and 100% will reach the schools.

Last month we provided some materials to unsupported schools as discussed above. These schools are so profoundly grateful to everyone in New Zealand for their support. These supplies reach thousands of children and make a huge difference in them being able to continue learning in what must be very scary times in Cambodia.
Thank you.
Please see below some of the schools and teachers receiving the materials. Each of these photos is at a different school and does not include all the schools receiving supplies.

While supplying rice is not our usual core business, the main challenge in Cambodia continues to be the loss of livelihoods. We need to be realistic in that if the Cambodian economy collapses, we will be stepping into more of a humanitarian response than the development of education. We need to be responsive and philosophical about this.
CCT response:
We have guaranteed 100 bags of rice a month, however depending on money raised at fundraisers, we are able to increase this at times relative to the need. We will be reviewing the situation on a regular basis.
The cost per bag of rice (which provides the average family rice for a month) is $60 NZD. If you can provide rice for hungry tummies, please click here.

For many years now, CCT has provided teacher kits to newly graduated teachers.
These trainees look forward to receiving these supplies for the entire 2 years of their training and in February, the students below received theirs.
Without the supplies, the newly graduated teachers will have no equipment when they start their teaching careers. This kit is hugely important to them all, and they are all very grateful. Every time we meet a new cohort of teacher trainees, we are inspired by their enthusiasm and focus. They want to be teachers because they can change the lives of many children, and they genuinely care about their country and ensuring quality education available for all children. It is a bit hard not to get emotional when you hear them talking about their dreams for their country and we are always very moved by their heartfelt commitment.
To donate towards teaching supplies. Click here.

All of our volunteers donate their own travel and accommodation costs when working in Cambodia or in New Zealand and donate their time and expertise. Neither Denise Arnold, nor any of the Trustees or volunteers draw a salary from CCT or take money from the charity for their expenses. They all believe passionately in what CCT is doing.
Where CCT does have administration costs, these are covered by donations, by the volunteers or by Lyon O’Neale Arnold, lawyers in Tauranga, of which CCT founder Denise Arnold is a Director. What costs CCT cannot avoid (bank fees and Xero costs) are covered by specific donations by individuals.
Every dollar donated goes to a specified purpose if the donor has one or the projects in Cambodia where it is carefully spent to get the maximum impact. Where possible supplies are purchased in Cambodia to support the local economy and to make our New Zealand dollars go further.