We couldn’t do what we do without the help of the most wonderful staff in Cambodia.
Some of our staff have been with us from the very beginning, helping us forge a new path in education development in Cambodia. Others have joined us along the way as we have needed specialist assistance, stepping into roles that have helped us grow and scale our work up in Cambodia.
Our success in Cambodia is due to the tireless efforts of our dedicated team. We are proud to introduce them below.

Ouch Soeun has been the Country Manager of the Cambodia Charitable Trust since 2008. He has a Master of Education degree and is a teacher trainer at Takeo Teacher Training College in Cambodia.
He previously worked for Volunteer Service Abroad New Zealand for six years and the International Baccalaureate Organization Asia/Pacific’s Cambodia Teacher Training Project for more than 10 years as Project Coordinator.
He is a strong supporter of CCT’s goals to transform the lives of Cambodian children through education and develop the next generation of teachers.
“My work with CCT means I am able to work closely with pre-service and in-service teachers, schools and children. We can break poverty by providing quality education,” says Soeun.
“We have formed a strong team at CCT, with local and international volunteers working together towards the same goals.
“Good job, good life!”

One of the incredible women who work for the Cambodia Charitable Trust is Sem Chrean, our Sponsored Children Manager in Cambodia (pictured here with the Minister for Education, Youth and Sport and CCT Founder Denise Arnold).
Chrean is also a teacher in the Takeo Provincial Office of Education Youth and Sport and a mum to a six-month-old baby girl.
Chrean has a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Asia Euro University (Phnom Penh) and has attended learning and development programs at SEAMEO INNOTECH in the Philippines.
She grew up in a rural area where education is less valued and little information about study or career options.
“My current position and responsibility at CCT can help people, especially female students in the rural areas, to have the opportunity to receive higher education and make their own decisions for their future.
“My work gives me excitement and happiness when I can see our sponsored students who come from poor families can sit in the classroom with a smiling and hopeful face. They have enough study materials, new school uniforms, a bike for riding to school, money for buying food, hygiene materials to use, new clothes and shoes to wear, and some money remaining for the family needs.”
Vong Savoeun is the manager of the Kampot project of the Cambodian Charitable Trust. He is an experienced teacher trainer and holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Educational Science.
Some of the activities he is involved in with CCT include training teachers, running remedial classes for students, organising supplies for the schools, and monitoring and evaluating the project implementation.
His goal is to see all students complete their basic education by grade nine and share his experiences with school managers and teachers to enhance 21st century teaching and learning activities.
“And, of course, I want to see a reduction in poverty for the people of Cambodia, which we can achieve through education with the support of CCT.”

Nget Sreymom has worked with us from the very beginning, using her tremendous skills as a social worker to advocate for the children most in need.
Sreymom’s initial role was to travel to remote households (on her scooter) to encourage parents to send their children to school. To make this happen she sewed uniforms for children who had virtually no clothing and taught a number of young women themselves to sew and to carry on work as tailors.
Sreymom is passionate about her work with CCT and she works incredibly hard.
Our success rests on the partnership between our Cambodian staff and our New Zealand volunteers.
Working alongside each other we have developed strong relationships built upon mutual shared goals and respect.
This photo of Jane and Savoeun captures their relationship.

Hot temperatures, long meetings and longer days including travelling distances on dusty roads in hot vans, means we really get to know each other.
Shared humour is a real gift when working so hard in often challenging circumstances, and really demonstrates the close team we have become.
All of our volunteers donate their own travel and accommodation costs when working in Cambodia or in New Zealand and donate their time and expertise. Neither Denise Arnold, nor any of the Trustees or volunteers draw a salary from CCT or take money from the charity for their expenses. They all believe passionately in what CCT is doing.
Where CCT does have administration costs, these are covered by donations, by the volunteers or by Lyon O’Neale Arnold, lawyers in Tauranga, of which CCT founder Denise Arnold is a Director. What costs CCT cannot avoid (bank fees and Xero costs) are covered by specific donations by individuals.
Every dollar donated goes to a specified purpose if the donor has one or the projects in Cambodia where it is carefully spent to get the maximum impact. Where possible supplies are purchased in Cambodia to support the local economy and to make our New Zealand dollars go further.