Although we cannot be in Cambodia in person we are still delivering our programmes, helping children from poor families to go to school and supporting teachers to teach better. Our main goal remains to improve education outcomes for all children, but we have also had to acknowledge the challenges Cambodia faces as a result of the huge economic impact that Covid-19 has had. Our support is needed now more than ever.
Your continued help is making a huge difference to quiet children from small villages in rural Cambodia. These children would otherwise be invisible, and would be unable to receive an education.
Thank you.
One of our core programmes is to equip newly graduated teachers to ensure they can do their job when they start teaching in classrooms. These teachers will teach thousands of children over their years of service and we want to give them all the help they need to launch their career and perform their job to the best of their ability.
On 2 February 2021, 70 second-year teacher trainees of Takeo Provincial Teacher Training College received a teaching kit from CCT. The timing of this coincides with those trainees venturing on their final practicum into classrooms to complete the final exercise before they graduate.
Each teacher trainee received a kit that included 25 items.
Each kit costs us $50. We would love to hear from you if you could help these teachers.

These trainees look forward to receiving these supplies for the entire 2 years of their training! They know that CCT has provided the teacher kits for many years now and that one day it will be their turn, and in February it was.
We know that without the supplies the newly graduated teachers will have no supplies when they start their teaching career. This kit is hugely important to them all, and they are all very grateful. Every time we meet a new cohort of teacher trainees we are inspired by their enthusiasm and focus. They want to be teachers because they can change the outcome of the lives of many children, and they genuinely care about their country and making quality education available for all children. It is a bit hard not to get emotional when you hear them talking about their dreams for their country and we are always very moved by their heartfelt commitment.
These supplies enable these incredible young men and women to set about changing lives for the better.
To donate towards teaching supplies. Click here.
When we are able to take another young child onto our sponsorship programme we feel a huge sense of relief, and responsibility. For the sponsored children the chance to be sponsored and to continue at school is life changing. They come from ultra poor families and it is realistic to say that without sponsorship most will not finish primary school, and certainly not secondary school. However, with a sponsor’s help, these children go on to be quiet achievers! They work hard and are very enthusiastic students.
We have seen a number of these young children grow up into young men and women now, completing High School and heading onto tertiary training. We also have a number of sponsored children attending University. When we reflect what their lives could have been, the responsibility to help other children to turn their lives around in the same manner can feel overwhelming. We KNOW that without sponsorship many children are destined to drop out of school.
It really is as simple as us making the choice as to whether a child will drop out of school or go to University simply by taking them onto the sponsorship programme or not.
That is where you come in. We have a number of children who need help, and we need more sponsors. We also have young women at University who need a sponsor to meet the University fees. These range from around $600 to $2,200 per annum, and can be broken into monthly payments from $50 to $200 per month.
Are you able to help? If so, please talk to us and we can match you with a young child or a University Student.
We have a number of schools that we desperately need sponsors for. Over years we have had wonderful sponsors, and we still do, but we have been in existence now long enough for some of those wonderful people to pass away. The loss of any sponsor is very sad for us, as these people have stood by us for years and have become our friends. However, it is a real tragedy for the schools they sponsored. Some sponsors have had a change in circumstances, others have decided to give us their funds but without tying their funds to any specific school or programme, allowing us to use funds wherever they are most needed.
Whatever the reason, good or bad, we have several schools that need sponsorship. We wanted to profile one of these and have chosen Ang Seyma Primary School.
If you are considering helping a school, whether it is the whole school or a share, please let us know and we can send you some budgets and school information. You can email Denise on denise@cctnz.org.nz and she can help.

Ang Seyma Primary is facing many challenges. An extremely poor community, a significant erosion issue, and those families that can afford it choosing to send their children to the local private school creating a decrease in performance statistics. Despite these challenges the Director has plans (with the support of CCT staff) underway to attempt to address them.
The school has a pleasant energy upon visiting it. The teachers and students look happy and engaged in the teaching and learning process
There are 835 (438 girls) students at the school. The school has 20 teachers. Two of them are new graduates, both of whom speak English which will be a significant help with English classes. Also having new graduates in the school will help spread new teaching methodologies.
Fourteen students are currently sponsored through the CCT sponsorship program. All of them are doing well and continue to attend school regularly.
All Ang Seyma Primary teachers attend CCT funded Teacher Training Workshops regularly. The Director believes these workshops have contributed to a significant improvement in the capability of his teachers, particularly with skills for teaching remedial classes.

The library at Ang Seyma is a busy, engaging place with a clean and cool floor to enjoy sitting on while read from the well stocked shelves. The library did not look like this before the school was supported by CCT.
A dedicated pre-school classroom has been operating for the past two years. A new floor has been provided for this classroom funded from the CCT maintenance budget.

Without support this school and the school Director would likely loose the confidence and momentum to progress resolving these issues, moving the school forward, and creating a better learning environment for the children of and Ang Seyma Primary.
Currently we have only a very small amount of the yearly cost covered by a sponsor and are looking for some keen sponsors to come on board and help with the annual costs.
We have a shortfall of $12,800. Could you contribute to this school? We would welcome any help. Click here if you would like to help.
Our very own manager, Savoeun Vong, recently implemented two workshops to upskill teachers. Savoeun is an amazing trainer and one of our key staff.
25 Teachers from Hun Sen, Neareay Primary and Baknoem Primary Schools attended the training workshop on additional competence in teaching and learning through critical thinking.
26 Teachers from Krangsnay and Taten Primary Schools participated in a workshop on Inquiry Based Learning: Structured inquiry – Guided inquiry – Open inquiry .
Savoeun has been working for CCT since 2015 and has wide knowledge and experience due to his work as lecturer at one of the Teacher Training College’s. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature and master’s degree in Educational Science.
Savoeun has a strong work ethic and works well liaising with a variety of people at all levels, both Khmer and English. His command of English is excellent and he expresses himself clearly, making him a trustworthy translator for our staff in Cambodia and our NZ team of volunteers.
We are very lucky to be able to use Savoeun’s extensive experience working and teaching at primary school and secondary level. He fully understands how to work out issues with school directors, teachers and students and local communities.
Savoeun wants to share his knowledge to enhance teaching, and ensure the children in Cambodia have an improved education, and in the long term live in less poverty.
Savoeun is a valued staff member of CCT – we are very fortunate to have him.
Thanks Savoeun for being a part of the CCT team and for co-ordinating the latest workshop for our teachers!

Teachers discussing critical thinking strategies: Project strategy; Guidance strategy, General strategy – Feb 2021.
Teachers learning about Inquiry Based Learning: Structured inquiry – Guided inquiry – Open inquiry – Jan 2021